Newsletter Report for Li and Ken Schoolland
In June, Liberty International held the 35th World Conference with the Silk Road Foundation of Mongolia for 200 participants and 28 speakers. Li spoke about the Cultural Revolution in China and I spoke on “How nations embrace entrepreneurship.”

Oyunaa Oyut, Amartuvshin Dorj, & Mises MN held a book signing event in Ulaan Baatar for release of the 3rd illustrated, youth edition in Mongolia of The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible, my free market book now published in 84 editions worldwide.

The Silk Road Foundation followed this event with numerous presentations by Li Schoolland, Matthew Bowler, and myself at their week long countryside retreat for 30 students at the Free Market Academy in Tov, Mongolia.

Li also attended the ACTON University in Grand Rapids, Michigan and translated into Chinese the Free to Choose film by Johann Norberg: “Sweden: Lessons for America.”

In July, Li Schoolland organized the 10th annual Summer Camp of International Economics and Management Scholars for 200 students and 11 free market scholars at Northeastern University in Shenyang, China.

Accompanying Li and me, the scholars were Dan Mitchell, Cris Lingle, Doug Bandow, Per Bylund, Victor Claar (the preceding 5 are also MPS members), Patrick Mardini, Matt Dale, Zhu Haijiu, Barun Mitra, and Kishore Jayabalan. This was the first of 8 stops in the Austrian School Economic Road Show in China that included seminars for hundreds more participants in Beijing (with the IAPP-Cathay Institute for Pacific Affairs), Chengdu, Dali, Lijiang, Guilin, Yongzhou, and Shanghai.

In August, Li gave a presentation about her life in China at the Africa Liberty Forum in Nairobi, Kenya, hosted by the ATLAS Network.

In September, Li presented “Why the people of Hong Kong are protesting for freedom,” at the 10th Annual Economic Freedom Forum of the Free Economic Research Association organized in Tokyo by Hiroshi Yoshida.

In October, Li and I both gave presentations about China and migration at the 6th Annual Paralelni Polis Hackers Congress by the Institute of Cryptoanarchy in Prague, Czech Republic.

Li spoke at the Istuto Bruno Leoni about “Why we need to fight for freedom,” organized by Alberto Mingardi, Maria Claudia Ferragni, and the ACTON Institute.

The Dari edition of my book, the 54th language translation, was published by Khalid Ramizy, the Executive Director of the Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) in Kabul. Ken also published an article, “Inspiration in India for a New Generation of Entrepreneurs,” in Education About Asia, a journal of the Association for Asian Studies, University of Tennessee in Chattanooga.

Terry Verhoeven wrote to me about utilizing The Philosophy of Liberty in a refreshing new way: “Fifteen years ago you generously permitted me to edit your Philosophy of Liberty video for use in cinemas here in New Zealand by the Libertarianz Party. I would now like to reproduce the video in whole or in part adding a voice-over rather than using the existing music so as to give it a fresh look and feel for use by a Rights Institute I am in the process of establishing.” The Rights Institute initiative is now live at:

Forthcoming, I will be giving the keynote address at the Freedom Summit organized by Marc Victor and Attorneys for Freedom in Phoenix, Arizona, February 7-8, 2020. And scheduled for August 14-17, 2020 will be the 36th Liberty International World Conference in Medellin, Colombia.